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How to set up a Reaction-Diffusion Solver

The Reaction-Diffusion Solver

Implementing a reaction-diffusion solver from scratch requires a high level of understanding of the Lattice Boltzmann (LB) method. However, luckily, you only have to adapt a few lines of code of the existing examples to adapt it to your needs. So why didn't we hide all the LB implementation details from the user? The reason is that you might wish to implement your own LB variant (different stencils, thus different advection implementations, different collision operators). In short, the current implementation is a trade-off between offering the full flexibility to the user, but still keeping it as lean as possible. Therefore, whenever you like to implement/add a new reaction-diffusion solver, we highly recommend to copy-paste an existing solver (such as tutorial_01_CDESolverD2Q5_SIGNAL) and adapt only a few member methods. That's why we now only discuss those member functions which are subject to adaptation. If you are already familiar with the LB method, you'll be able to figure out how the remaining member functions work using the code documentation.

Copy-Paste an Existing Reaction-Diffusion Solver: How?

First, it is necessary to choose a unique solver name. The name should ideally be descriptive. In our example, we chose tutorial_01_CDESolverD2Q5_SIGNAL since it is for Tutorial 1, it uses the D2Q5 LB stencil (you do not need to know what that means at this point), and the biochemical species is called SIGNAL.

Let's start with the header file tutorial_01_CDESolverD2Q5_SIGNAL.hpp. There is actually not much to do: simply exchange all the names of the old solver with your new solver name. Please do not forget to also change the name of the include guard!

The corresponding source file tutorial_01_CDESolverD2Q5_SIGNAL.cpp requires - of course - much more adaptation. Again, exchange all the names of the old solver with your new solver name. Do not forget to adapt the header include:

#include <LbmLib/include/solver/CDESolver/tutorial_01_CDESolverD2Q5_SIGNAL.hpp>

and - very important - the name of the solver:

const std::string tutorial_01_CDESolverD2Q5_SIGNAL::name = "tutorial_01_CDESolverD2Q5_SIGNAL";

The implementation of the two crucial member methods (initSolver for the initial condition and reaction to implement the reaction term) is discussed in the next sub-section Implementing the Initial Condition and the Reaction Term.

Implementing the Initial Condition and the Reaction Term

Let's first have a look at the constants (defined locally in an anonymous namespace for convenience; you can also put them into the appropriate methods):

namespace {
const double deltaT = 1.0;
const unsigned int SWITCHOFF_TIME = 5000;
const double SIGNAL_decay = 0.00001;
const double SIGNAL_production = 0.0001;
const double SIGNAL_initalcondition = 1.0;

The constant deltaT is the LB time step; just leave it as it is. Since we want to stop the production of SIGNAL after a while, we define SWITCHOFF_TIME, as well as the production and decay rates, and the inital concentration.

We want to initialize the solver as follows: inside the initial cell(s), the concentration shall be uniformly 1; everywhere else (surrounding and interstitial fluid) it should be zero. The initialization of the solver looks like this:

void tutorial_01_CDESolverD2Q5_SIGNAL::initSolver() {
if (this->physicalNode_->getDomainIdentifier() == 0) {
for (auto d : cdeDirIter_) {
distributions_[d] = 0.0;
else {
for (auto d : cdeDirIter_) {
distributions_[d] = SIGNAL_initalcondition/5.0;

Basically, from the current lattice site (physicalNode) we get the domain identifier. If it is zero, we have surrounding or interstitial fluid, and the concentration is set to zero (do you not have to know what 'distributions' are at this point). For all the remaining domain identifiers (all the cells), it is set to SIGNAL_initalcondition/5.0. Why divided by 5.0?? This depends on the LB stencil. Since we have 5 'distributions' (D2Q5 stencil), we divide the initial concentration evenly amongst them.

The reaction is implemented in a member function which returns the evaluation of the reaction term at the current time step, for the current lattice site, and for the current domain identifier and cell type of that lattice site. In our example, we want to have a constant production of SIGNAL for the initial cell (this->physicalNode_->getDomainIdentifier() == 1) and only for the initial phase of the simulation (Parameters.getCurrentIteration()<SWITCHOFF_TIME), and a linear degredation otherwise.

const double tutorial_01_CDESolverD2Q5_SIGNAL::reaction() const
if ((this->physicalNode_->getDomainIdentifier() == 1) && (Parameters.getCurrentIteration()<SWITCHOFF_TIME)) {
return SIGNAL_production;
else {
return -SIGNAL_decay*this->getC();

That is quite simpel, isn't it?

Adding the Solver to the Project

We highly recommend to put the new header and source file into libs/LbmLib/include/solver/CDESolver and libs/LbmLib/src/solver/CDESolver, respectively (but any other location will work as well). Then there is only one step missing: letting cmake know that your new files are part of the project. To do so, please add the following two lines to libs/LbmLib/CMakeLists.txt:


That's it. You dont even have to add the solvers in your main application file. Why? Because your application already knows from the parameter input file (see General Simulation Parameters) which reaction-diffusion solvers have to be executed.