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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
oCLbmLib::solver::AbstractForceModelInherit from this base class
|oCLbmLib::solver::GuoZhengShi2002ForceModelImplements the force model from Guo, Zheng, Shi, Discrete lattice effects on the forcing term in the lattice Boltzmann method, Phys Rev E, 2002
|\CLbmLib::solver::Luo1993ForceModelImplements the force model presented in Luo, Lattice-Gas Automata and Lattice Boltzmann Equations for Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1993; discussed in Mohamad, Kuzmin, A critical evaluation of force term in lattice Boltzmann method, natural convection problem, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Tansfer, 2010
oCLbmLib::solver::AbstractForceStructBase class for all forces
|oCLbmLib::solver::ForceStructs::ForceType0Spring froce between 2 nodes
|oCLbmLib::solver::ForceStructs::ForceType1Spring force between a node and a certain point
|oCLbmLib::solver::ForceStructs::ForceType2Free force on a node
|oCLbmLib::solver::ForceStructs::ForceType3Spring force between a node and a horzontal slider (sliding at hight y)
|oCLbmLib::solver::ForceStructs::ForceType4Spring force between a node and a vertical slider (sliding at width x)
|oCLbmLib::solver::ForceStructs::ForceType5Constant force between 2 nodes
|oCLbmLib::solver::ForceStructs::ForceType6Constant force between 2 nodes
|\CLbmLib::solver::ForceStructs::ForceType7Spring froce between 2 nodes
oCLbmLib::reportHandler::AbstractReportFunctorAbstract reporter functor inherit from this for your reporters
|oCLbmLib::reportHandler::CellTypeReporterThis class reports the domainID's. Order of dumping: x, y, DomainId
|oCLbmLib::reportHandler::ConnectionReporterThe GridReporter class This class reports the grid
|oCLbmLib::reportHandler::DensityDomainReporterThis class reports the density of a in a given domain. The dump look as if: DomainId Density
|oCLbmLib::reportHandler::DensityReporterThis class reports the density of a solver. The dump look as if: xPos yPos Density
|oCLbmLib::reportHandler::DomainReporterThis class reports the domainID's. Order of dumping: x, y, DomainId
|oCLbmLib::reportHandler::FluidReporterThis class reports the density and velocity of the fluid solver . The dump look as if: xPos yPos Density vx vy
|oCLbmLib::reportHandler::GeometryReporterThis class reports current GeometryNodes. Order of dumping: ID XPos YPos XVelocity YVelocity
|oCLbmLib::reportHandler::GridReporterThis class reports the grid
|oCLbmLib::reportHandler::MatixAbsVelocityReporterThis class reports the density and velocity of the fluid solver . The dump look as if: |v|
|oCLbmLib::reportHandler::SolverReporterThis class reports the density of all solver. The dump look as if: xPos yPos Density vxFluid vyFluid densityCDE1 densityCDE2 ..
|oCLbmLib::reportHandler::UxReporterThe MatixAbsVelocityReporter class This class reports the density and velocity of the fluid solver . The dump look as if: ux1 ux2 ..
|oCLbmLib::reportHandler::VelocityReporterThe DensityReporter class This class reports the velocity of the fluid solver. The dump look as if: xPos yPos vx vy
|oCLbmLib::reportHandler::vtkCDEReporterThis class dumps the CDE fields in .vtm vtk format
|oCLbmLib::reportHandler::vtkCellPNGReporterThe vtkCellReporter class This class dumps the cell boundaries, cell attributes and cell forces in .vtm vtk format
|oCLbmLib::reportHandler::vtkCellReporterThis class dumps the cell boundaries, cell attributes and cell forces in .vtm vtk format
|oCLbmLib::reportHandler::vtkFluidReporterThis class dumps the fluid field in .vtm vtk format
|\CLbmLib::reportHandler::vtkForceReporterThis class dumps the cell forces in .vtm vtk format
oCLbmLib::solver::AbstractSolverBase class of the cde and fluid solvers
|oCLbmLib::solver::CDEAbstractSolverThe abstract base class for all CDESolvers
|oCLbmLib::solver::FluidSolverFluid Solver which solves the D2Q9 LBGK
|\CLbmLib::solver::FluidSolverFluid Solver which solves the D2Q9 LBGK
oCLbmLib::solver::BioAbstractSolverThe MassAbstractSolver class The abstract base class for all Mass Solvers
|oCLbmLib::solver::BioBaseSolver< BioSolverAreaRegulator >
|oCLbmLib::solver::BioBaseSolver< BioSolverCellDivision >
|oCLbmLib::solver::BioBaseSolver< BioSolverCellJunction >
|oCLbmLib::solver::BioBaseSolver< BioSolverDifferentiation >
|oCLbmLib::solver::BioBaseSolver< BioSolverEmpty >
|oCLbmLib::solver::BioBaseSolver< BioSolverGrowth >
|oCLbmLib::solver::BioBaseSolver< BioSolverHookeanMembraneTension >
|oCLbmLib::solver::BioBaseSolver< BioSolverMembraneTension >
|oCLbmLib::solver::BioBaseSolver< tutorial_01_BioSolverAreaRegulator >
|oCLbmLib::solver::BioBaseSolver< tutorial_01_BioSolverCellDivision >
|oCLbmLib::solver::BioBaseSolver< tutorial_01_BioSolverCellJunction >
|oCLbmLib::solver::BioBaseSolver< tutorial_01_BioSolverDifferentiation >
|oCLbmLib::solver::BioBaseSolver< tutorial_01_BioSolverMembraneTension >
|oCLbmLib::solver::BioBaseSolver< tutorial_02_BioSolverCellDivision >
|oCLbmLib::solver::BioBaseSolver< tutorial_02_BioSolverCellJunction >
|oCLbmLib::solver::BioBaseSolver< tutorial_02_BioSolverGrowth >
|oCLbmLib::solver::BioBaseSolver< tutorial_02_BioSolverMembraneTension >
|\CLbmLib::solver::BioBaseSolver< T >The Base class for all BioSolver implementations. This classes uses the recursive template idiom to automatically register child classes in the factory. To implement a solver inherit from this class and provide the same class as a template argument. Additionally, the class must provide a static member with the name which stores a unique name for the class. Declare the constructor and the static member name private and make the BioBaseSolver a friend class of this
oCLbmLib::solver::BoundaryAbstractSolverThe abstract base class for all Boundary Solvers
|oCLbmLib::solver::BaseBoundarySolver< BoundarySolverNoFlux >
|oCLbmLib::solver::BaseBoundarySolver< BoundarySolverNoFluxD2Q5 >
|\CLbmLib::solver::BaseBoundarySolver< T >The Base class for all BoundarySolvers implementations This classes uses the recursive template idiom to automatically register child classes in the factory. To implement a solver inherit from this class and provide the same class as a template argument. Additional the class should provide a static member with the name name which stores a unique name for the class. Preferentially declare the constructor and the static member name private and make the BaseCDESolver a friend class of this. look at /c BaseCDESolver for an example
oCLbmLib::CDEDirectionsIteratorD2Q4Provides methods to handle the Directions. Use the Function Directions() to access this class
oCLbmLib::CDEDirectionsIteratorD2Q5Provides methods to handle the Directions. Use the Function Directions() to access this class
oCLbmLib::geometry::ConnectionAll PhysicalNodes on the left of the connection are defined as inside
oCLbmLib::DirectionIteratorThe DirectionOperations_ class Provides methods to handle the Directions. Use the Function Directions() to access this class
oCUtilLib::ErrorPolicyReturnNull< IdentifierType, ProductType >
oCUtilLib::ErrorPolicyThrowException< IdentifierType, ProductType >
oCLbmLib::nodes::EulerianPointThe base class for all points with an integer position and no speed
|\CLbmLib::nodes::PhysicalNodeClass representing a physical node
|\CUtilLib::Factory< AbstractProduct, IdentifierType, FactoryErrorPolicy, ProductCreatorSignature >
oCUtilLib::geometry::fastneighborlist< T >The fastneighborlist class is a class template putting objects of type T into a celllist data structur for efficient range queries
oCLbmLib::Field< T >The Field struct Storage of values in x and y direction
oCLbmLib::Field< double >
oCLbmLib::Field< int >
oCLbmLib::solver::ForceSolverThe actual force solver
oCLbmLib::geometry::GeometryClass representing the external geometry
oCLbmLib::geometry::GeometryHandlerClass responsible for generating the internal geometry representation
oCLbmLib::GlobalSimulationParameters_The class which stores all parameters. Do not instantiate this class but use the singleton provided below
oCLbmLib::nodes::LagrangianPointA class for storing a point's coordinates and its velocity This class is the base class for all points which have a velocity and can be at any position
|oCLbmLib::nodes::BoundaryNodeClass representing a boundary node
|\CLbmLib::nodes::GeometryNodeClass representing a geometry node
oCUtilLib::LogClass for logging reports. The usage of this log class is described on page The Log utilities provided by miind
oCLbmLib::solver::MassAbstractSolverThe abstract base class for all Mass Solvers
|oCLbmLib::solver::BaseMassSolver< MassSolver >
|oCLbmLib::solver::BaseMassSolver< MassSolverBoxOutlet >
|oCLbmLib::solver::BaseMassSolver< MassSolverSchnakenberg >
|oCLbmLib::solver::BaseMassSolver< MassSolverSingleGrowingCell >
|oCLbmLib::solver::BaseMassSolver< MassSolverSingleLayer >
|\CLbmLib::solver::BaseMassSolver< T >The Base class for all Mass Solvers implementations This classes uses the recursive template idiom to automatically register child classes in the factory. To implement a solver inherit from this class and provide the same class as a template argument. Additionally, the class should provide a static member with the name which stores a unique name for the class. Preferentially, declare the constructor and the static member name private and make the BaseForceSolver a friend class of this. look at /c BaseCDESolver for an example
oCUtilLib::MPIProxy_A class to handle all MPI related code. It also provides works if MPI is disabled
oCUtilLib::ProgressBarClass for reporting the current simulation status. Usage: construct an object of this class with the expected count Use the increment operator on this object on each increased count Then the current progress is printed to the output
oCUtilLib::geometry::QuadTree< Node >The class representing a quadtree The template parameter Node needs to provide the methods getXPos() and getYPos() to access the postion of the node
oCUtilLib::geometry::QuadTreeNode< Node >Class representing a node of a quadtree The template parameter Node needs to provide the methods getXPos() and getYPos() to access the postion of the node
oCUtilLib::geometry::RectangleClass representing a rectangle
oCLbmLib::reportHandler::ReportHandlerReport handler which stores the reporters
oCLbmLib::SimulationRunnerMain simulation class
oCUtilLib::Singleton< T >
\CUtilLib::TimerClass for timing