The software has been successfully compiled with gcc 4.7 or higher for -std=c++11 support. Check with:
$ gcc -v
Follow the instructions on to download and install.
You need to have the boost libraries 1.54.0 or later installed on your computer. Follow the instructions on to download and install.
cmake 2.8 or higher is required. Check with:
$ cmake –version
Follow the instructions on to download and intstall.
doxygen 1.8 or later. check with:
$ doxygen –version
follow the instructions on to download and install.
vtk version 5.8 or higher is required if the vtk reporters are used. follow the instructions on http://
furthermore, the package libvtk5.8-qt might have to be installed if cmake reports the following warning:
The imported target "vtkQtChart" references the file "/usr/lib/" [...]
this is not a dependency, but used to post-process and visualize the data. please visit http://