25 #include <UtilLib/include/Singleton.hpp>
67 return currentIteration_;
93 this->reportSteps_ = steps;
137 return currentIteration_++;
144 unsigned int currentIteration_;
149 unsigned int iterations_;
154 unsigned int reportSteps_;
174 std::map<std::string, double> cdeSolvers_;
182 globalSimulationParametersSingleton_;
189 static GlobalSimulationParameters_& Parameters =
unsigned int getIterations() const
getter for the number of iterations the simulation should be executed
The class which stores all parameters. Do not instantiate this class but use the singleton provided b...
unsigned int operator++(int integer)
increment operator to increase the current iterations
unsigned int getReportSteps() const
getter for the report steps
unsigned int getSizeX() const
getter for the size x
const std::map< std::string, double > & getCdeSolvers() const
getter for the cdeSolvers and their tau's
void loadGlobalSimulationParameters(const std::string &fileName)
loads the parameters from the file
double getTauFluid() const
getter for the tau of the fluid
the class that stores all parameters related to the simulation
void setReportSteps(unsigned int steps)
void printParameters() const
prints the parameters to the standard output
unsigned int getCurrentIteration() const
getter for the current iterations
unsigned int getSizeY() const
getter for the size y
void writeGlobalSimulationParameters(const std::string &fileName) const
writes all parameters to the file